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Statement of financial

(Unit : million KRW)
Category December 2023 December 2022 December 2021
Current Assets 155,281 133,081 122,673
Noncurrent Assets 119,617 123,263 106,814
Assets 274,898 256,344 229,487
Current Liabilities 79,006 74,931 40,590
Noncurrent Liabilities 11,583 4,973 16,040
Liabilities 90,589 79,904 56,631
Issued Capital 6,608 6,608 6,484
Capital Surplus 39,765 38,473 38,473
Other Capital Adjustments -14,698 -15,620 -8,685
Other Comprehensive Income(Loss)
Accumulated Amount
-636 -334 -334
Retained Earnings 153,269 147,311 136,918
Equity 184,309 176,439 172,856
December 2023
Category amount
Current Assets 155,281
Noncurrent Assets 119,617
Assets 274,898
Current Liabilities 79,006
Noncurrent Liabilities 11,583
Liabilities 90,589
Issued Capital 6,608
Capital Surplus 39,765
Other Capital Adjustments -14,698
Other Comprehensive Income(Loss)
Accumulated Amount
Retained Earnings 153,269
Equity 184,309
December 2022
Category amount
Current Assets 133,081
Noncurrent Assets 123,263
Assets 256,344
Current Liabilities 74,931
Noncurrent Liabilities 4,973
Liabilities 79,904
Issued Capital 6,608
Capital Surplus 38,473
Other Capital Adjustments -15,620
Other Comprehensive Income(Loss)
Accumulated Amount
Retained Earnings 147,311
Equity 176,439
December 2021
Category amount
Current Assets 122,673
Noncurrent Assets 106,814
Assets 229,487
Current Liabilities 40,590
Noncurrent Liabilities 16,040
Liabilities 56,631
Issued Capital 6,484
Capital Surplus 38,473
Other Capital Adjustments -8,685
Other Comprehensive Income(Loss)
Accumulated Amount
Retained Earnings 136,918
Equity 172,856

Income statement

(Unit : million KRW)
Category December 2023 December 2022 December 2021
Revenue 120,446 116,571 107,081
Gross Profit 46,506 52,914 51,068
Operating Income(Loss) 18,342 27,054 23,453
Non-operating Income 6,665 4,644 5,163
Non-operating Expenses 9,160 12,303 8,655
Profit(Loss) 13,436 16,128 13,351
December 2023
Category amount
Revenue 120,446
Gross Profit 46,506
Operating Income(Loss) 18,342
Non-operating Income 6,665
Non-operating Expenses 9,160
Profit(Loss) 13,436
December 2022
Category amount
Revenue 116,571
Gross Profit 52,914
Operating Income(Loss) 27,054
Non-operating Income 4,644
Non-operating Expenses 12,303
Profit(Loss) 16,128
December 2021
Category amount
Revenue 107,081
Gross Profit 51,068
Operating Income(Loss) 23,453
Non-operating Income 5,163
Non-operating Expenses 8,655
Profit(Loss) 13,351

Cash flow

(Unit : million KRW)
Category December 2023 December 2022 December 2021
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 8,085 16,377 15,985
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -12,548 -33,904 -19,951
Cash Flows from Financial Activities 7,052 8,508 4,508
Increase (Decrease) in Cash 2,557 -8,909 539
Cash at the beginning of the term 1,029 9,937 9,399
Cash at the end of the term 3,586 1,029 9,937
December 2023
Category amount
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 8,085
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -12,548
Cash Flows from Financial Activities 7,052
Increase (Decrease) in Cash 2,557
Cash at the beginning of the term 1,029
Cash at the end of the term 3,586
December 2022
Category amount
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 16,377
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -33,904
Cash Flows from Financial Activities 8,508
Increase (Decrease) in Cash -8,909
Cash at the beginning of the term 9,937
Cash at the end of the term 1,029
December 2021
Category amount
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 15,985
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -19,951
Cash Flows from Financial Activities 4,508
Increase (Decrease) in Cash 539
Cash at the beginning of the term 9,399
Cash at the end of the term 9,937